Thursday, May 30, 2013

Piemerica's Advice Oven- That Eggy.. Am I Right?, Unmarketable Art, Animal Thoughts

That Eggy.. Am I Right?
What is your opinion on animal rights? -Nishant Singh

Because they walk on all fours animals have two rights.. but they are in the same direction. Even though we humans have right legs we usually determine our rights & lefts by our hands. Animals don't have hands but they do fit in pans. Like you can totally stereo mix a roar. Some animals have hands yet they don't wear hand me downs because they wear fur because for them fur isn't murder, fur is life. Peaches wanted to stop being eaten by monkies so they became fuzzy. TVs got fuzzy for this too except they wanted to stop being eaten by people. During the depression, before TVs, people ate TVs. Back then TV sat down for Tree-based Vision-telly. The telly was the trolley for your mouth like a telephone but backwards so guys with beards could use them too without them getting stuck in their beards.

Some animals spin around & chase their tails but they spin to the left 50% of 100% of the time. I'm not one to poke fingers because they are not an easy target. Animals did not invent easy targets but they did be them sometime, oops! The shopping mall was named after the mall rat named Eggy because he was born in a universe that which is also ours so we could know about him. He had his choice of this universe or any of the OTHER non-existent universes. Seeing that existing was the preferred method to knock about he chose to never exist thus leaving animals without rights except on their right side. So anytime you are taking a skunk to a dumpster to freshen up the smell & let him live there with the wombat you can thank Eggy the rat that never existed except to choose whether or not to exist.

Unmarketable Art
How do screenwriters survive? -Anne W Zahra

My guess is that they use tape. You can't paint a screen, they shred crans. You might could recolor silver ones with a sharpie but the black ones you cannot use sharpies on. When the rains come the tape would come off. I don't know of any screens that people have things written on so they must not make much money if any. They probably pay people to let them deface their screens. Some people get confused & have them write on their monitors & tvs. People can live without money but that is obvious because we use debit cards now. Guy's used to put money on their hands & foreheads. Now we just get caps to wear with expensive logos on them. So draw a logo on a screen & you gotta pay up. Paying up is so much fun. Throwing money into the air (non-coins) is a great feeling & catching it is even better. Refs who do coin tosses just don't know what they're missing on the next level.

Blind writers are better than screenwriters because the blinds are on the inside so they don't get wet. That first rain drop on your shoulder helps you fight justice because crime is so under wool come February.

^- & that's how you write a screen kids!

Animal Thoughts
Why can't animals think like humans? -Hrishikesh Amravatkar

They can but they think things like this:
What does the future hold? I don't know but I'd check its pockets just to be safe! I'm not one to complain because I've spent a lot of time being happy & that is why. I've seen all the Star Wars movies. It was confusing. I should have watched them one at a time. Alex had a pen & so did Al's ex because they had two pens & split them equally in the divorce. She called herself my owner, which is great because when people own each other they are slaves but when they own us animals we are treated like the Alibaba era kings. I was under the colors.. it was a cram! My brain mysfelled cran. They wear shirts, that's how they became pirates! No one is a pirate without a shirt unless they are a dreamy pirate & dreams aren't real! I love playing in the yard but this squirrel keeps putting shaving cream in a rusty can. I'd ask him what its all about but I don't speak lerrilliusqa. I was making toast in a barn & then they asked me to leave. How do you ask rabbits to make toast? You ask them, "lend me your ears" then they throw corn at you because it is a corn barn, a carn barn, a corn born. Top that giraffe!

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