Thursday, May 2, 2013

Piemerica's Advice Oven- Kiddo(wn), Send Tense

Are you down with the kids? -No One

No but I was back when I was a kid. When I turned 12-13 I outgrew even the tallest kids. I suppose if I bend over or something I could be down with them & I suppose if they are on monkey bars or something I'm the one that is down to them. For the moment however I am sitting down on a 2nd floor & there are no kids here so I suppose I'm not down with them at all. I've only seen 2 story schools in the tvs & on the movie. If there is a bell tower I think it should be a Taco Bell® tower so you could watch lettuce floatingly fall. I try to eat lettuce but only the lettuce I pay for or am given. I'm not a thief, I use my head when it comes to eating heads.

I'd really like to see the body of a lettuce. I have 3 clues what it would look like.
1. It would block light, it would not be transparent. Can transparents have kids naturally?
2. It would look like matter. Matter is those things you can see except light which is energy although it does matter. How can non-matter matter?
3. It would have a head of lettuce on top. We need lettuce scarecrows for Earthday or something. Pumpkins have all the fun when it comes to getting cut open, ripped of their insides & getting cut for people's sick enjoyment. Yeah they have all the fun & people take it from them.

All food is like that. It has fun & we take its fun & turn it into fun, fuel, & that other f word that starts with a g. What makes g a better driver than L? g looks like a gas pump handle except in auGust then it looks like a puppet with no eyes or mouth just the back of a head, a nose, & the top of another head. Kids write using g's so if you type some g's you'll be cool too.


See how cool I am now?

Send Tense
please correct the sentence? -Omear

Would you please correct this sentence?

How many people who have died have you talked to & they responded saying, "This is great!" I can only think of 6 & I've met upwards of 4 people in my lifetime. There are 9 things you should know about me & 3 that you shouldn't. Show of hands, who wants to know the things you shouldn't know about me? Oh you are tragic maniacs.

Here's the 3. things you shouldn't no in know particular order because no one tolde me to tell you this but me.
#4, I learned to count when I was 12.
#12, I was raised in an elevator on a farm. That elevator had a lot of hick ups but it had just as many hick downs too.
#1.6, I am bad at counting. The last time I tried to count will be unexpected because I don't know when I'll die. But you can be sure of this, being sure of things is easier than you think. Well not easier than you thinking but at best it is as easy.
number niNe, there was a flood in my sink so I built a dam & now I feel fullfilled but my sink doesn't.

Read All Previous Advice Ovens

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