Ice pipe walking
into news silo. Home grasp cat a tropic funnel breeze order. A land of W
sandwiches, which is made of sand? Sand is made of which? Behaving salad
coaching in Allisonsota. Muggers caught on camera mugging at mugs then stealing
their cocoa. I'lll alllow this map to grow with undying privllledges.
A tripping hedge.
Pee-wee's living speed bumps. Cowcats on the range. Stop cooking those beef
kitties! The tree was angry that it couldn't get a job at the post office, all
the jobs were taken by humans. All that paper was creepy too.
I'm not buying a
pair of keet unless it's BOGO.
If night time were a
camp we'd all follow mugger's luggage rules.
..the number 4, the
one after 3 & waaay before 196.2
If eggs had scabs
would you eat them?
What other kind of
preference is there other than a personal preference? One imposed by the state?
Wrist watches with
hair pieces. Shoulder watches with a full hair.
Real wreath running
rippingly reminder chalice. Disclairity for daytime series of golf ledge ocean
wishing engines. This is not a downtown hat.
Frozen toast
identifies as windows.
Laughing mask
doesn't make a sound.
Amazing numbers are
free to flourish unnamed, all named with no end.
Megascule tightening
air in outerspace.
Dumbo eating gumbo
talking mumbo jumbo while watching Columbo.
All lightning banks
burn down.
Skiing on slopes of
Mocking ultracabbage
Parachute gun.
Reorganized tray of
smooth round rock shaped ice.
Silk mobile caption.
Pilgrimage keys
swirling dynastic overage.
Who walks well known
tree skirts?
Scissor panicking
about tarp. Underwater violinist. Drowning honey. Octomop replacement savages.
Pair or scope raveling chair minus huge limbo stick raining cabbage juice
simulat. Copy that. Paste that. W shivvers. Nonogon smelt deity lunch rafters
barn bowling scepter Schlumpm Schlump, Katool! Abridged squint sloshing. Dogs
barking at notches in coat. Symbolgy garish heirmisalignedloom shadow kibble
unjust borrowing knickers. No one tries bumping butterfly caskets off of
noctobreakfast canuck nooks. Manually hunting to establish a desired average
sized bowl of bug cereal. Tyrannosaurs blessed. Extinguished coal breadth.
Neight. Dust is watching. Dust is waiting. Dust has given up on the mission.
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