Tuesday, March 4, 2014

+=- Carrots in the Wind...

A shelf of union/onion-genated ferrants?

Billy wickers in this place of farm holes. Dirt with no sod soda.

Kerry: yay
MAR: Did you just say yay backwards?
Kerry: sure did
yay is like two thugs taking away an a
YaY is a house between large powerlines
427 looks like a groovy bus

You're my favorite cattle solvent. The coolings of the creams is what makes it so figurey. Coolings are nice when windows aren't involved. Right Largent?

I want a slidewalk without the walk instead of a sidewalk. Not just a slide but an everywhere slide.

I hear buries are colours of middles.

I got lost in the Arctic & was surprised that the tundra tasted like flame smoked grill edgings.

Have you ever agone existin'?

How to get money is to win at basket sports

My dreams are like carrots in the wind. They don't float they just fall to the dirt & get bugs on them.

MAR: bros bros sounds less manly than bros
Justin: bro slow down the weed man
MAR: How can I be expected to stop the wind? You want me to put a barn around the weed?
Justin: what happen to you dillon u used to be sombody i could trust
MAR: I changed my name to Sachel Book to show up Sachel Paige that's what!
Justin: no canada man, canada
MAR: I just mispelled canada 3 times. uanada sanada aanada & it came out as USA
Justin: that is isane man
MAR: see you just mispelled too, proving that it is sane
Justin: i cant spell to save a dying rabbit
MAR: looks like you spelled it right to me

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